Regulamin sklepu internetowego HRDY, czyli zamówienie, płatność, dostawa i inne
(1 grudnia 2019)
§ 1
Beginning, i. e. our online shop
- The online shop available at www. hrdy. com. pl ("Shop") is run by HRDY Sp. z o. o. (a limited liability company) with its registered office in Warsaw, Al. Prymasa 1000-lecia 151, commercial premises nr.1, 01-424 Warsaw ("HRDY" or "seller").
- HRDY is entered in the National Court Register by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, Poland. The Company's registered office is located in Warsaw, XII Commercial Department of the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000765127, with the share capital of PLN 5,000, NIP 5272877719, REGON 38219634600000.
- The Terms and Conditions are for you – the consumers and for us - the seller, that is HRDY, and set out the rules and procedures for the conclusion and performance of the contract for the sale of our products at a distance through the online store.
- Our telephone number is +48 663 700 306 and our e-mail address is – at the latter we are available for you at all times.
§ 2
Definitions; we hope that there are not too many of them 😉
- Order – is a declaration of your intent –our Dear Client/Consumer, and is made through the order form available in the Shop- its purpose is to conclude an agreement selling the products offered by HRDY. By placing an Order you add our products to the Cart and accept the payment and delivery rules.
- Account - your account in the Shop - is the collection of the data you provide us with and information about the Orders placed by you in the Shop.
- Registration form - a form available in the Shop, allowing you to create an Account.
- Basket - it shows the products you have chosen to buy.
§ 3
Technical requirements
In order to use the Shop and place orders for our products, the following are necessary:
- Terminal device with Internet access and any popular Internet browser.
- Active e-mail account (e-mail address).
- Cookie files enabled.
§ 4
General Information
- This should not happen- but we take no responsibility for any disruptions in functioning of the website, including those caused by force majeure events, unauthorized action by third parties or incompatibility of the Shop with your technical infrastructure.
- Viewing our products in the Shop does not require creating an Account. Placing an Order for our products in the Shop is possible after creating an Account. It is also possible to carry out the order by providing the necessary personal and address data to enable the execution of the Order without setting up an Account.
- The prices in the Store are given in Polish zloty and are gross prices (including VAT).
- The final amount to be paid for your Order consists of the price for our product and the cost of delivery in Poland (we use DPD, InPost, Polish Post Office), the current amount of which we have placed in the "Payment and delivery" tab on our website hrdy. com. pl (personal collections are free of charge). You will be informed about the amount to be paid when placing an order.
§ 5
Creating an Account in the Shop
- To create an Account in the Shop, you must fill in the Registration Form. It is necessary to provide the following data: your name, country, exact address, e-mail address, and optionally your telephone number and company.
- Creating an Account in the Store is free.
- Logging into the Account is done by providing the login and password established in the Registration Form.
- Of course, you have the option of deleting your Account at any time, without giving any reason and without any charges. All you have to do : just write to us about it.
§ 6
Rules for placing an Order
In order to place an Order, you should:
- Log into the Store;
- Select our product which is the subject of the Order and then click the "Add to cart" button;
- Click the "Order and pay" button and confirm the order by clicking the link sent in the e-mail,
- Select one of the available payment methods and, depending on the method of payment, pay the Order within the specified period.
- Please note that without individual agreement with us, an Order may cover a maximum of 2 identical Products from our offer (e. g: You can order 2 Assymetric backpacks and 2 ‘Flats ‘ – our external pockets)). For larger orders please contact us directly.
§ 7
Offered delivery and payment methods
You can use the following delivery or pick-up methods of the ordered Product:
Courier delivery, COD delivery,
- Personal pick-up available at our registered office address: Prymasa Tysiąclecia Street no. 151, Warsaw
- Parcel delivery to InPost
You can use the following payment methods:
- Payment on delivery,
- Payment by bank transfer to the Seller's account,
- Electronic payments such as PayPal.
§ 8
Performance of the sales contract
- The conclusion of the sales contract between us takes place after you have placed an Order.
- After placing an Order we immediately confirm its receipt and acceptance for execution, about which we will inform you by sending it to your e-mail address provided when creating an Account. Only when you receive such an email will a sales contract be concluded between us for the product(s) indicated in the Order.
- If you choose:
- Payments by bank transfer, electronic payments - it is necessary to make the payment within 2 working days from the date of conclusion of the sales contract - otherwise the order will be cancelled.
- Cash on delivery payment - you are obliged to make payment on delivery.
- If you choose a delivery method other than personal collection, our Product will be sent to you within 2 - 3 working days, unless we agree on a different delivery date (e. g: because of the need to prepare the Product for you).
- The period for sending our Product to you begins as follows:
- a. In the case of payment by bank transfer or electronic payment - from the date of crediting our bank account,
b. In the case of choosing cash on delivery - from the date of concluding the Sales Agreement,
6. If you choose to collect the Product personally, the Product will be ready for collection on the date you agree with us individually. You will be additionally informed about the readiness of the Product to be picked up by an e-mail sent to your e-mail address (the one you provided us with when placing an Order).
§ 9
Right of withdrawal
If you are a consumer, you can withdraw from the sales contract within 14 days without giving any reason by giving us a statement of withdrawal from the sales contract .
- The time limit referred to in paragraph 1 starts by the date of delivering our Product to you.
- In the case of Products which are supplied separately, by instalments or parts, the time limit indicated in paragraph 1 shall run from the delivery date of the last product delivered//runs from the delivery of the last Product. You can send the statement of withdrawal from the sales contract by t Effects of withdrawal from the sales contract
a. The sales contract is considered not concluded.
b. We shall immediately, no later than 14 days after receipt of your notice of withdrawal from the contract of sale, reimburse the payments you have made, including the costs of delivery of the goods, except for the additional costs resulting from the method of delivery you have chosen other than the cheapest ordinary delivery method offered by us.
c. We will refund the payment to your bank account you used when placing the Order.
d. We will withhold payment until we receive the Product back from you.
e. You should return the Product to our address indicated in the Terms and Conditions immediately, no later than 14 days from the date on which we were informed about the withdrawal from the sales contract.
f. Remember that you will bear the direct cost of returning the Product, including the cost of returning the Product if, due to its nature, the Product could not normally be sent back by post.
§ 10
Complaint and warranty.
- In the event of a defect in the Product, you have the right to complain based on the warranty regulations in the Civil Code. If you are an entrepreneur, we exclude liability under the warranty.
- he complaint should be submitted in writing or electronically to our contact details given in the Regulations. We will respond within 14 days. We give 36 months warranty on our products.
- Our products are an expression of our original ideas. We continuously improve them for you, based on your and our experience. Our products are prepared in small batches. Therefore, the colours, colour shades or details in the stitching may slightly differ from one series of Products to another.
§ 11
Out-of-court complaint handling and claim/redress procedures (applies if you are a consumer)
- Detailed information on how to use out-of-court complaint handling and claims/redress procedures and the rules of access to these procedures are available at the offices and websites of district (municipal) consumer advocates and social organisations, whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, Provincial Inspectorates of the Trade Inspection as well as the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection- found at the following Internet addresses:http://www. uokik. gov. pl/spory_konsumenckie. php; http://www. uokik. gov. pl/sprawy_indywidualne. php and http://www. uokik. gov. pl/wazne_adresy. php.
- The following are examples of out-of-court complaint handling and claim/redress possibilities: a. you are entitled to go to a permanent consumer arbitration court, as referred to in Article 37 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on Commercial Inspection (Dz. U. of 2014 . poz. 148 z póź]) with a request to resolve a dispute arising from the Agreement concluded with the Seller. b. you are entitled to address the Provincial Commercial Inspector of the Trade Inspection in accordance with Article 36 of the Act of 15 December 2000, on Commercial Inspection (Dz. U. of 2014 poz. 148 z późn. zm.) with a request to initiate mediation proceedings to amicably end the dispute between the Consumer and the Seller.
- you have the right to use out-of-court complaint and claim /redress handling. To this end, you can submit a complaint via the EU ODR internet platform available at: http://ec. europa. eu/consumers/odr/.
§ 12
Personal data in the On-line store
The administrator of the Customers' personal data collected through the On-line store is HRDY Sp. z o. o. All information concerning personal data and its administration, including your rights, is contained in the Terms of Use or under the "Privacy Policy" tab at
§ 13
Final provisions.
1. Sales contracts are concluded in Polish.
2. We reserve the right to make changes to the Terms and Conditions due to important reasons, i. e. : changes in legal regulations and adjustments in payment and delivery rules - insofar as these affect the implementation of the provisions of the following Terms and Conditions and our Product offer. The changes will come into force within 3 days from their placement on the hrdy. com. pl website.
3. In matters not regulated by these Terms and Conditions, the generally applicable provisions of Polish law apply.